There are a couple items that can be easily missed in the Documentation for upgrading the VCSA in version 6. The documentation is located HERE.
Here is a quick step by step to help summarize:
My little Information Technology blog
There are a couple items that can be easily missed in the Documentation for upgrading the VCSA in version 6. The documentation is located HERE.
Here is a quick step by step to help summarize:
There are a ton of blogs out there with complex queries and actions you can perform when your transaction logs are full and the vCD Web Interface fails with an error like:
com.vmware.vcloud.common.persist.exception .CellNotActiveException: Cell is not active
Well, I decided to make it simple for those who just want to get your environment back up and running ASAP.
I found it quite risky to connect to a vCloud instance as a SysAdmin and perform calls to a specific Org and ensure not to touch other orgs by a simple typo in my commands.
Use the following command to connect via PowerCLi direct to an org in vCD.
Connect-CIServer -Org WWW -Server XXX -Username YYY -password ‘ZZZ’
WARNING!!! This will delete ALL VMs in your vCD!!!!!
Connect to your vCD with “Connect-CIServer
Stop-CIVApp * -Confirm:$false
Remove-CIVApp * -Confirm:$false
sleep 5
Remove-OrgNetwork * -Confirm:$false
Then manually delete any gateway devices and then run the following to clean up all the orgs:
Set-OrgVdc -Enabled:$false
remove-OrgVdc -Confirm:$false
Set-Org -Enabled:$false
remove-Org -Confirm:$false
Big thanks to my colleague Grant Voss for this awesome little cleanup script.